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Industrial large data into manufacturing intelligent transformation driving force

  Industry big data is by a system or a product manufacturing process intelligent data produced, is not only the inevitable result of the intelligent manufacturing, and manufacturing of intelligent necessary condition and foundation. The industrial applications of big data, will become the future manufacturing productivity and competitiveness, the key elements of innovation ability, and now must face the important topic of global industrial transformation.
  Industrial development process and characteristics of the data
  Born in 1990, the first Web server, with the development of more than 20 years, growing information in all fields, computing, storage, interaction, various types of database swelling, eventually formed a now call "big data". Manufacturing is the main body of the national economy, has a strong manufacturing sector, to occupy the dominant position in the international competition. Industrial big data as a powerful driving force of the manufacturing intelligent transformation, nature has been included in national key development areas.
  In 2006, the United States NSF (national science foundation) proposed CPS (information) of a physical system. This system is through the network to the virtual data analysis, modeling and control of the entity content management, the depth of the symmetry is the fourth time the core technology of the industrial revolution.
  In 2011, Germany hannover messe at first proposed the concept of industrial 4.0. Germany "4.0" industry, put forward emphasis through information networks can be integrated with the physical production system, namely the physical construction information fusion system (Cyber - PhysicalSystem, CPS) to change the current industrial production and service patterns.
  In March 2012, the U.S. government released a "big data research and development initiative, announced the launch of the great data research and development plan. That same year, the general electric company on behalf of the global industrial system and intelligent sensor technology and advanced computing, data analysis, and the Internet technology Internet connection and integration of industry concept, and emphasis on through the connection between the intelligent machines and finally to the man-machine connection, combination of software and data analysis, to reconstruct the global industry.
  In march of 2015, China produced a significant national strategic planning - "made in China 2025", is designed to help from the Internet, cloud computing, big data, further consolidate the basis of China‘s manufacturing industry and manufacturing, the change in policies to promote China‘s manufacturing to intelligent direction.
  Industry one of the big data is a large volume of data. Enterprise common database is difficult to carry so DaTiLiang data, and high storage cost. Cloud computing is the best solution, the enterprise through self-built private cloud or using public cloud platform, to implement low cost mass data storage. In addition, on the cloud platform, enterprises can use Hadoop, computation of flow analysis and calculation, data analysis and processing.
  For industrial data mining and analysis results, which can be widely applied in the enterprise research and development design, production, management, service and supply chain each link. In the research and development design, can be optimized process management and process optimization; In the production of manufacturing, equipment can be realized, smart, intelligent diagnosis and maintenance schedule production, product quality optimization and personalization; In the management and service products can realize remote monitoring and maintenance; In the supply chain can achieve global optimization of supply chain.
  Industrial big data in the application of domestic manufacturing
  From the point of demand, the current domestic manufacturing enterprises demand for big data is very obvious, but how can, many users are still on the sidelines and trying stage. For large data services, therefore, need to combine industry business, to find the right application scenario.
  The Internet brings to the traditional manufacturing challenges, big data can through the Internet technology innovation and development, as well as data comprehensive perception, collection, analysis, sharing, present a view of manufacturing for enterprise managers and participants of the value chain fresh perspective, it brings huge value is being traditional enterprise.
  However, unlike the current hot Internet big data, industrial applications of big data for businesses, threshold is relatively high. Industrial big data and the Internet, it very closely the business and industry, therefore, for enterprise industry accumulation, with a better understanding of the business and the industry have very high requirements. And industrial relative requirement for big data analysis, to have a clear logical relationship.
  Enterprises through the large data analysis can lead to more collaborative data between departments, and thus accurate projections for the market demand gap, at the same time, through a more flexible process management, more automated production equipment assembly scheduling quickly and intelligently production. But, for now, in work data applications outside of domestic enterprises and many, but really have independent intellectual property rights and core technology enterprises. To make industrial big data applications, you must first have a rigorous logic reasoning, data at the same time, also have a platform and tools. Current work data applications outside of domestic enterprises, they have not enough ability to meet this requirement.
  However, there are still some large industrial enterprises, which are go-ahead in application. Such as tangshan iron and steel group, by introducing the most advanced production line, realized the real-time data acquisition, and with love s&d enterprise cooperation, such as deep mining industry big data value, realize real-time monitoring, production schedule, product quality management, energy control, etc. In addition, the advanced manufacturing enterprises based on the industrial application of big data, a product, machine, resources and people combine together, to promote manufacturing based on big data based on the analysis and application of the intelligent transformation.
  In general, "+" Internet user demands of the era of real-time rendering, a small, fragmented, such characteristics as rapid renovation, the challenge for the traditional manufacturing industry. Industrial big data has its distinctive characteristics, the fusion of informatization and industrialization, the industrial applications of big data opens a new route for the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry. For industrial big data in the process of manufacturing production application scenarios and the application of in-depth discussion, will be conducive to give full play to the functions of its power.
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